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Highest Quality lLimited edition luxury Christian Dior Outlet
Not long after the Christian Dior Outlet was born, Christian Dior introduced the New Look bag in 1947. And in just a short period, it became the ‘IT’ bag of its time. People were fascinated by its beauty, it was one of the most modernized and classy bag they’ve ever seen.
And now DIOR decided to restore its tradition by creating the Dior New Look Promenade Pouch, inspired by the craftsmanship of the 1947 New Look Bag, following its historical guidelines, you will find the authentic heritage in every detail, like the sophisticated and original clasp.
First, do not underestimate its size, this bag is quite spacious; measuring 22 x 13 x 3,5 cm. It certainly got both the modern and feminine look, a living classic rediscovered that never goes out of style. The light gold-tone chain can be removed when you go from day to night. Or if you’re clubbing, wear it cross body to make sure you got all your important essentials close to you.
The interior is enriched with one large compartment; there is one flat pocket and 6 credit card slots to get your stuff organized.
Dior has a lot of bags that looks amazingly beautiful and stunning, but the ones that carries its long history is usually the most valuable, just like the Chanel reissue 2.55 flap or the classic flap bag. The Gucci Replica Handbags is not just a bag, but a piece of art from the fashion history.
This bag retails for: 1,450 USD/around €1.000 EUR at Dior boutique.